Average Solar System Size

Australians are increasingly turning to power with three times households opting for solar panels, than swimming pools. Not is the number of installations on the rise. The size of these solar systems is also increasing. In December 2023 the average solar system size hit a peak of 10.47kW.
What’s behind this trend towards systems? Lets delve into the drivers:
Rising Electricity Costs
The surge in electricity prices with some regions experiencing spikes of up to 28% is prompting Australians to pursue energy self sufficiency. A larger solar system size offers a way to stabilize electricity expenses in the run.
Solar Energy Returns
The encouraging news is that solar panel prices have dropped significantly due to increased production. This means that a larger system today costs the same as a smaller one did a year ago.
Growing Battery Demand
The affordability of battery storage is also improving, thanks to reductions in lithium prices resulting in cost savings for home battery units. This trend aligns well with escalating electricity expenses. Diminishing Solar Feed in Tariffs (FiTs).
Decline in FiTs
Solar Feed in Tariffs (FiTs) are decreasing, making it less appealing to feed surplus energy into the grid. The solution? Investing in batteries to store energy and utilize it during periods when sunlight is scarce.
The proposal, for network charge reversal by network operators suggests charging owners for exporting surplus energy during daylight hours reducing the attractiveness of FiTs. This shift is driving households towards utilizing batteries, for energy self sufficiency.
The future looks bright for solar in Australia. With bigger systems and battery backups, Aussies are taking control of their energy needs and becoming less reliant on the grid.
Want to see if we can help you on your next solar or battery project? Get in touch with us by phone or look us up on Facebook.
Engineering is our first priority and we will build a solution that is right for you.